Friday, December 11, 2020

2020 for eyesight is excellent but....the year..

 So yeah, 2020 for the year has been challenging to say the least! COVID 19 hit the world!  At first it wasn’t scary and as months went by, it was. Quarantine , people getting sick, dying and of course the masks! Lord, do I hate the masks! Toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer , hand soap, was just a few of the things that were flying off the shelves, leaving them empty! Hospitals were full, doctors offices, plexiglass was being put up in front of every check out and 6ft orders for length away from anyone. Isles in stores had one way pasted on the floors! I was looking for the speed limit signs! Lol! Or the Yield sign, maybe even the isle police! I panicked in Aldi’s when I looked down and sure enough I was pushing my buggy the wrong way! 

If COVID wasn’t enough my son had to have gallbladder  surgery and liver biopsy. He was diagnosed with stage one liver disease . My nephew was going through radiation for cancer on his scalp. My brother in law came down with COVID and was hospitalized in Atlanta. There were many family members that came down with the Covid 19 in Indiana and Atlanta plus my dear sweet pregnant granddaughter!  My husband fell down a hill and broke his back T-10 and 9th rib. My great niece was diagnosed with a tumor on her kidney. Little sweetheart had to have her kidney removed and Long months of chemotherapy ! My son in law almost lost his foot from severe infection and hospitalized to try and save the foot! Thank God healed the foot! My grandson had a motorcycle accident and broke a few bones! My great grandson had surgery on his eye muscle. My daughter in law had to have biopsies and was pre cancer and needs follow every year! Yesterday we lost our dear sister (my sil) in California with kidney failure! Oh believe me there’s more, these were just some the biggies! 

Good news! We have 2 new babies coming in July! 

Through it all God has had his hand on our family! I know we lost our sister in law but she was 91 and hurting all the time. She wanted to go home, she was tired! 

I will praise Him through the storms, I will praise Him !  Grams/Sleely

Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a faithful God to bring us through so much! I some how feel stronger and a little more wiser... Love you


Our neighborhood was a long dirt road part 1

 Talking to my sister Doris,  this morning and we were thinking back on the families we grew up with on North County Line Rd. We lived in a ...