Sunday, March 3, 2019

I am 73 but I'm still me. (2018)

I am 73 but I'm still me,
the little girl that rode my bike
and played under our Willow tree.

I played outdoors from morning to eve,
Hopscotch, jump rope,
feeling the Indiana breeze.

My childhood was secure,
clean and pure,
even felt safe when I  walked to the store.

I am 73, but I'm still me,
that teen that married way too young,
I thought being a wife would be so much fun.

I washed and I cooked,
and cleaned everyday,
being a wife left no time to play.

I am 73 but I'm still me,
all  of a sudden I became a mother,
learning this love was like no other.

My three treasures I was given,
made my life worth living,
loved my children, I made mistakes but no retakes.

I am 73, but I'm still me...Written by Sharon Lyman.

(James 1:12 Blessed is the one who endures trials, because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. )

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