Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Circling around in my head

I once read, that worry is a misuse of the imagination.

Worry is thoughts circling around in my head.  The "what if's". Causing fear.
It is easier said than done. Don't worry. We are human and we worry. Loved ones, financial problems, health, afraid of being afraid, and on and on..

Philippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

So imagine if there was a period behind everything. I'm glad that it's a comma. Just a little funny there.
Anyway here's my story.

As a little girl, and I know it's sounds weird but I was afraid of being noticed. I was afraid of being talked to, because if someone talked to me, I would have to answer. Yep, weird little girl.
When growing up, we usually had company on Sundays. I can remember there were times when I  would stay in my bedroom all day after church of course. If it was someone I didn't feel comfortable with the "company" then I would not come out of my room. No food, no water, and if I had to go to the bathroom I would peek out to see if I could make it quickly without being noticed. Thank goodness it was just two steps from my room. Now when my cousins came to visit, mainly all boys, I would go outside to play with them and my two sisters. I felt comfortable with the cousins because they were fun and cute. Lol! I didn't have to talk much just out run them which I never seemed to do.

Who you calling Grams... just me.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Light sleeper 2014

Well, 3am and something woke me up. Figured out the noise was outside because I got up, checked all in the house trying to be quiet so I wouldn't wake up Bill and I found nothing. Oh great, the noise was outside! So I looked for a flash light, turned on the flood lights and ventured out the door. I couldn't see anything but still heard the noise even louder. Decided to wake up my husband in case I fell in the yard or something attacked me, he wouldn't hear a thing or hear me yell for help! You know, like a bear or tiger, Oh my! LOL! Sleepy man and I went on the hunt in the yard with one tiny flash light, at the wee hours in the morning. Yep, found it! A pipe busted under the house and water running from underneath like a river! It was hitting the inside of the foundation blocks creating a loud rapid pounding and flowing and creating a hole in the ground and draining God knows where. So we made our way to the front lawn, found the water meter and worked to turn the water off fighting a bed of ants all the while. Now wide awake, I am up for the day and husband is sleeping like a baby. Thankful the noise wasn't a bear or tiger but I am  not too happy right now.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

I am 73 but I'm still me. (2018)

I am 73 but I'm still me,
the little girl that rode my bike
and played under our Willow tree.

I played outdoors from morning to eve,
Hopscotch, jump rope,
feeling the Indiana breeze.

My childhood was secure,
clean and pure,
even felt safe when I  walked to the store.

I am 73, but I'm still me,
that teen that married way too young,
I thought being a wife would be so much fun.

I washed and I cooked,
and cleaned everyday,
being a wife left no time to play.

I am 73 but I'm still me,
all  of a sudden I became a mother,
learning this love was like no other.

My three treasures I was given,
made my life worth living,
loved my children, I made mistakes but no retakes.

I am 73, but I'm still me...Written by Sharon Lyman.

(James 1:12 Blessed is the one who endures trials, because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. )

Friday, March 1, 2019

Thoughts on my 74th birthday

So today is my birthday and I thank God for such precious years gone by, but no matter how old we get on our birthdays it makes us stop and think about the years we have lived. I don't feel old. I use to say, " I am getting old". Now I say I am there, but hold on not all the way there yet! (haha)
I am looking at life like a book. (I know it's not original "the book of life") But if we are lucky we have about 8 to 10 chapters in our book. THAT'S A SHORT BOOK! Our first chapter one birth to 10yrs old, then comes "teen years" is chapter two. You guessed it, 20's is chapter three, 30's chapter four and so on. Well, you get the picture! That's not really that long you know. Yes a very short book and some people don't get to live their full book of life. So I am thankful that I am in my 7th chapter. Well anyway, write each of your chapters with memories to look back on and cling to when you get in your later chapters in your book. I am not unhappy. I am thankful that I still have some living to do. Who you calling Grams, of course it's me. 

Our neighborhood was a long dirt road part 1

 Talking to my sister Doris,  this morning and we were thinking back on the families we grew up with on North County Line Rd. We lived in a ...