Friday, January 1, 2021

Our neighborhood was a long dirt road part 1

 Talking to my sister Doris,  this morning and we were thinking back on the families we grew up with on North County Line Rd. We lived in a very diverse group of families as our neighbors. Everyone got along and looked out after each other. 

The first house on the corner as you turn on our dirt road was the Fains, I remember them because their children names all started with J's. I thought that was pretty cool at the time. Judy Fain, Jack Fain, Janice Fain and so on. I don't know their nationality. They moved after a few years and I don't remember the name of the next family that moved in.

So the next house was the Jones! They were little people, not dwarf but very little people. They had one son, his name was Danny. ( by the way my first kiss later on). Mr Jones was about a little taller than Mrs Jones and she was about 4  1/2 ft tall , that may or may not have been with her high heels on. She always wore the cutest very high heels and nice dresses or skirts. I remember this because we picked her up for church. She didn't drive. 

The next house had three different families at different times. The first family was the Butlers, Nancy Butler was about my brother, Richie age, then there were a few brothers. When they moved, the next family I believe was the , Carson family. The house caught on fire and they moved. The next family was the Sanders. They had one daughter, Linda, she was Pam's age. 

House 4 was the Wagners right next to ours with hedges all along the property. Jack Wagner, Jackie Wagner, Janet Wagner and don't remember the other kids. I think one or two. Notice the had kids with names starting with J's too. Funny. I do remember my mom and Mrs Wagner were very close. The doors to each house with porches kind of facing one another. I remember them talking back and forth while shaking their house rugs or hanging out the laundry. When they moved away they'er was a bit of sadness in my mom. She must have missed her best fried and of course Janet Wagner and I started 1st grade together. I missed her. At that time she was my only friend. Then the Macheta family moved in. Right away I had another best friend, Sandy Macheta. Pam was best friends with Judy the younger sister. I don't remember the nationality, I just know the grandpa Macheta would sit under the tree in the front or their yard and didn't speak English much but sure like to drink. 

Then house 5 was the Pruitt's, that's us! 8 kids and mom, dad, and usually some kin folk staying with us from Missouri as they moved up for Steel Mill work one family at a time. Dad bought the house which was 1 big room and a porch on about an acre of land. He started adding on the house a little at a time. First he enclosed the porch and made into a small kitchen. We had an outdoor toilet, which I hated with a passion. I think we all did. It had two holes in the seat area to use, I guess if one person couldn't wait make room for two. lol! Daddy added an addition on to the house, room for a bathe and three bedrooms. A big hall way that had a heat stove. The only heat we had. He put the bathroom in the middle of the house then didn't like that so he changed it to between the back bedrooms. I have to say my mother was very patient. 

Happy New year 2021

 Don’t let the past year be wasted, instead, learn from all we have experienced. Then, commit to live a purposeful life in the year ahead. Don’t live the entire year without purpose, only reacting to what happens from day to day. Take time to prayerfully decide on a word or phrase for 2021 as something that will direct your approach to life for the next 12 months. Better yet, begin to ask God what your focus should be in the coming year.

Happy New year! My God bless you always!

Our neighborhood was a long dirt road part 1

 Talking to my sister Doris,  this morning and we were thinking back on the families we grew up with on North County Line Rd. We lived in a ...